
About Me

About me #1

"Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies, and lack of physical exercise." – Mike Adams.

Hello, I'm Dr. Romina Tollerutti.

I am passionate about preventing medical problems with lifestyle changes. Our medical system makes it hard for physicians to spend quality time with patients to support these changes. Health Coaching opened my mind to a new way of helping people. Combining Education and support through Coaching, I help parents and their families feel empowered to adopt and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

As a busy mom of two wonderful boys and a wife, my goal is to live a healthy life and to have a healthy family. I also do all I can to balance taking care of my loved ones and taking care of myself. After years of learning and many coaching sessions, I found sustainable ways to enhance our health and strategies to keep self-care high on my “to-do” list. Yet, we are a work in progress. Life as a parent is hectic, and I try my best, like every parent out there. I am a big advocate of Progression over Perfection.

As an avid learner of new scientific information, I aim to share good-quality articles and tips with you. Small steps are as effective as big ones if your goal is to become a healthier version of yourself. If you need to, my one-on-one Coaching will support you in reaching your goals. I am here to help you!

Investing in your Health and Yourself will make you Spend Quality Time with Your Family, Improve your Daily Performance, and Feel Great. Let’s Do It!!

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