
April 2022

journaling and your health

Journaling: Tips and Recommendations to Start this Helpful Practice.

You may be already doing it or never thought about doing it for your health. But, the exercise of journaling for a few minutes per day can help reduce stress and boost your mental health and motivation while keeping track of your progress. This powerful practice is suggested by many mental health professionals, physicians, dietitians, […]

Journaling: Tips and Recommendations to Start this Helpful Practice. Read More »

recommended resources

Great Books to Understand the link between your Diet and your Health

Everything I recommend in “Recommended Resources” has been tried and enjoyed by me and/or my family. Disclosure: I participate in the Amazon Service LLC Associate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn a fee by linking to and affiliate sites. Do not worry; this fee does not

Great Books to Understand the link between your Diet and your Health Read More »

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